How can fashion be circular? Explore comprehensive resources at the Redress Academy, a free-access educational platform


Redress is proud to unveil new improvements to the Redress Academy, our free multilingual online resource with in-depth content on circular fashion design topics, created for designers, educators, industry professionals and anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of responsible fashion design.

Previously known as the LEARN Platform, the newly improved Redress Academy breaks down circular fashion concepts with useful case studies, subject guides and video tutorials, with filter and search functions for easy navigation.

The new user experience features a visual journey guiding visitors through the steps of the fashion value chain, from sourcing all the way to recycling garments. Navigation through each part of the value chain is done by clicking on particular areas to learn more about them.

Visitors can register interest for Redress’ circular fashion courses, and there is also a dedicated Educator Space with detailed teaching materials, project briefs, case studies and more, available in English, Chinese and French.

Whether you are an up-and-coming fashion designer, a conscious consumer, or anyone along the value chain, visit the Redress Academy to learn better ways of designing, making, consuming, and repurposing fashion.